Wednesday 4 December 2019




1. 補充教育:數學老師上門補習,引導學生正確的學習方法,把課堂上不明白的數學難題一一講解、討論,幫助學生更好的完成作業,提高應試的速度和準確性。

2. 評估與教學方案:專業的數學補習老師,會通過對學生的成績評估,找出數學水平的差距,再制定學習計劃,並提供適當的教學材料,爭取在最短的時間内彌補差距。當孩子看到數學成績有所進步時,學習數學的興趣自然就會大大的提升。

3. 個性化教學私人上門補習可以針對學生的個人學習狀況,找出數學成績不好的原因,調整課程和學習步調。在一對一的指導過程中,對於學生較弱的環節部分,做個人化的重點加強。學生當天在學校數學課遇到的問題,也能夠立即獲得解決,不再累積問題。

4. 討論與互動:數學成績不好的學生,擔心被嘲笑而不好意思在課堂發問,可以與上門補習的數學老師進行討論。補習老師會幫助學生分析問題,討論正確推算方法,讓學生在發問與互動中找到學習數學的樂趣。


Monday 18 November 2019




1. 高效率學習:在課堂上,面對多位學生,即使對課程有不明白的,英文老師也不能給予一一指點。私人補習英文能夠幫助跟不上課程進度的學生,依據自己的學習節奏,在一對一的指導下解決堆積的難題,集中處理需要改善的部分,在短時間内提高學習的效率,同時跟上課堂進度。

2. 建立穩固基礎:對於英語基礎不扎實的學生,跟不上課堂的教學進度,會直接影響學習的積極性。在補習英文的過程中,輔導老師能夠幫助學生重新梳理課程框架,查缺補漏,重新建立穩固基礎。只要打好堅實基礎,對於之後的學習自然就事半功倍了。

3. 針對性課程:專業的英文補習老師會在評估學生的閲讀、書寫與會話能力後,制定針對性的教學方案,對症下藥。由於是一對一的教學模式,輔導老師可自行選擇合適的教材和練習,根據學生的進度隨時調整授課内容,達到補習的目的。

4. 互動與鍛煉:評定英語能力的標準,不僅限於背了多少個英文單字,也包括正確的英語應用。通過與補習老師的交流互動,練習發音、造句、對話等各種學習方式,加速提升掌握英語的能力。


Tuesday 15 October 2019










Tuesday 1 October 2019


補習 中介







Tuesday 3 September 2019










Friday 19 July 2019

Top 5 Qualities to Become A Successful Math Tutor

Mathematics is generally known to be a subject which is fun and its as equally challenging. For some students this “challenging” element gives excitement and joy, while for others, it causes fear and anxiety. Approaching Mathematics with enthusiasm is very important and this may not be practically possible for everyone since not all students have the innate quality to perform well in math or even be able to like it as a subject for that matter.

Many are turning towards the option of math tuition (數學 補習) since the extra guidance is essential in order to survive and conquer. Being a math tutor is not easy and there are many things the tutor should keep in mind.

So, what are the top 5 qualities to become a successful math tutor?


It is a well-known fact that when you are ought to build something, the foundation has to be strong enough to withstand the burden of everything that else that goes on top of it. Often times, the reason for the intimidation with regards to the subject is the lack of a strong foundation in the basic mathematical concepts. It is essential to adopt a “mastery method” when learning mathematics. No matter how simple a topic or concept maybe, it is crucial to be clear of what it demands before moving on to the next topic.
A good tutor should make sure that the core concepts are strengthened through systematic practice. Students should be exposed to numerous types of questions that tests their knowledge of the concepts being learnt. Thereafter children gain confidence when they are able to comprehend concepts and solve problems easily.
This automatically eradicates the primary reason of the fear of mathematics.  


Some interests are innate while others are cultivated. There is nothing wrong about cultivated interests and in fact it is important to learn how to do this in order get past many things in our life which may seem unpleasant. Sparking an interest in Mathematics can be done through learning simple math concepts through fun activities.
The activities being arranged may not have to be that complex, they may be simple but it is necessary for it to effective in conveying the mathematical concept effectively to students for easy understanding. 


Mathematic problems in general demand lots of cognitive processing and this cannot be mastered overnight; it takes time and patience. Skills like analysis, evaluation and synthesis are higher order, and this requires the implementation of different teaching methods apart from simply learning facts and concepts. 
Educating children to think critically from a young age will train their minds and solving mathematical problems during examinations would become so much easier. With proper guidance from a math tutor and sincerity on the student’s part, this skill will enable a student to bring about an almost immediate response upon reading a mathematics question which includes viewing the problem sum with critical lens, then to analyse, hypothesise, test and finally figure out the answer.


Tutors have to emphasize the importance of practice and make their students understand that it is perfectly fine to fail. As Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam once famously said, dealing with success is not what matters, it is how one manages his failure that truly matters. A good tutor should supplement their student’s academic with related resources and ensure that his or her student’s effort does not go to waste. Every practice should count and enable to students to inch a step closer to success. 


It is not wise to dive into something that’s challenging all alone. A tutor's specialised guidance gives a sense of companionship and eradicates the feeling of struggling alone. Good tutors will support them at every step of the way no matter what happens. They are there to encourage their students to rise from failures with courage, and to celebrate their students’ every accomplishment this is absolutely important. 


It is indeed true that an expert was once a beginner, and hence it’s okay to under perform in something. The most important thing is to rise from a setback with confidence, maintain patience and be discipline consistently. A good home tuition (上門 補習) tutor has to remind his or her students about the importance of practising these values. 

Friday 14 June 2019

Reasons of hiring private tutors for primary school students

The education system has evolved to adapt to the term “21st century competencies”, which is basically an ambitious attempt to stay ahead of the curve. It has become a survival-of-the-fittest ‘contest’ and in order to survive, what is being taught in schools is unfortunately insufficient. Students, even at the primary school level are looking towards the option of tuition, be it home tutoring, because many students have reaped the benefits of opting for tuition.
The education system has evolved to become so much more challenging on many levels and children don’t seem to have the capacity to understand concepts which is being taught 2 years in advance. The reason why they need home tuition (上門 補習) is dire for primary school students is because children cannot study blindly and build a weak foundation. Primary school education is the basis to everything else that is being learnt thereafter in secondary school and in tertiary education.
Hence, it is crucial to hire the right tutor on time and set things right from the start instead of letting things snowball over time.


Teachers in schools are always in a hurry to finish their syllabus within a pre-determined deadline, and some lull their students to sleep with their boring teaching techniques. Though this is not how it is in totality, this is the situation in most cases.
Having known this reality, tuition teachers ensure that they keep their lessons engaging and most importantly, they try their best to mould their teaching techniques and teach in a personalised manner. Tuition teachers understand that different students have different ways of thinking and different level of learning capabilities and capacity. Tuition teachers will make the necessary effort to get into the headspace of their students and they will analyse the strengths and weaknesses to teach accordingly.

Tutors practice patience (well, most of them) and thus they are pretty equipped to deal with all kinds of children because they know that children will change for the better with time. Primary school children are naive and vulnerable, so tutors will take extra care in handling their young students to get pass their insecurities and deal with their challenges with confidence.


Tutors never lose faith in their students they are always encourage their student to continue working hard consistently and to never lose confidence in themselves. Some school tutors may have a pessimistic outlook on under-performing students and they may not make the necessary arrangements or give proper attention to these students who are already helpless and insecure. To make things worse, peers’ criticisms or comments and parents’ disappointments may cause children to become emotionally mangled; and their educational journey will become an unenjoyable one.

Tuition teachers give their students the confidence to believe in the possibility of improving and excelling. It takes lots of time for effort to manifest itself in the form of good results and tutors emphasize this over and over again when they advise their students.


Teaching is a noble profession because it’s almost selfless dedication because they are always willing to answer questions at any time of the day and they go above and beyond to understand a student and redesign their teaching style or break conventional teaching rules to bring the best out of the student.  A tutor's dedication and selflessness will inspire you to be a compassionate individual and the journey of being tutored by a private tutor (私人 上門 補習) will do so much more than just helping you achieve you’re ‘A’ grade in academics.

Thursday 23 May 2019

7 Reasons for hiring an English tuition agency in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is one of the key metropolis countries in Asia and it has quite a value among the Asian countries (we can even say that it has become a status symbol). For people who generally do not know much about Hong Kong and wish to visit the country one day, the first question that comes to their mind for clarification is if people in Hong Kong can speak English fluently. 
Though a metropolis country and a former British colony, English is not a language that every Hong Kong local is familiar with or comfortable conversating in. Since English is an official language in Hong Kong, you would see signboards with directions and instructions written in both Cantonese (which is widely spoken in Hong Kong) and English.

The youngsters in Hong Kong, though are much better with their English language skills than the set of youngsters a decade or more ago, need the extra help to refine their communicative and written skills. Many Asian countries apart from Hong Kong also do not emphasize much on the performance of the English language as it hasn’t been of great importance. However, since English is a universal language and a common ground for people of various countries to understand, it plays a major role in progress and development.

So, let’s look at the 7 reasons for the importance of hiring an English tuition agency (補習 中介) in Hong Kong!


Being able to speak fluently in English and write coherently in English will be of great significance when trying to bring across opinions and thoughts to the international platform. Language should never be a barrier and hence in order for nobel thoughts and findings to transcend borders, a common language has to act as the driving force. For example, if your goal is to share the effectiveness of traditional medicine that you practice with the rest of the world and it has its scriptures and texts in your Mother Tongue, you need to be proficient in English language as well. This way, you will be able to translate the medicine scriptures and texts in English and give speeches at international conferences about the medicine to spread awareness. By hiring an English tuition agency in Hong Kong, it stimulates business and it further catapults into the limelight which will create awareness somehow, at least through a word of mouth initially.


Tuition, in general, is gaining prominence, and within that, home tuition has gained lots of attention over the past decade or so. One to one tuition session is generally more efficient and beneficial due to a few reasons personalised and customised teaching, systematic approach and targeted insights to improve at a rapid rate, etc. Tuition agencies, in general, make it a point to only provide the best and nothing less for students who need help and seek for it. So, in most cases, tutors are well-experienced and they are aware of the do’s and don’ts.


Tutors are generally known to be dedicated individuals who are always willing to sacrifice a little bit of the extra time beyond their working hours and are always willing to answer questions no matter how many times they have already answered it before. In English tuition agencies in Hong Kong, tutors are known to be hard working, passionate and caring for their students which are key qualities that will go a long way in benefitting students in their academic journey.


It’s tough to set aside a particular period of time to study English as a subject, and even if one has the motivation to do so, there will be confusion with regards to how the revision has to be carried out. When an English home tutor comes over to teach a student, the students are required to sit down, listen carefully and work on the assessments given. If a student had not signed up for English tuition(英文 補習), there is a high chance he or she would not have allocated time for doing extra English assessments.


The biggest advantage of opting for tuition is the fact that tutors can assess the strengths and weaknesses of students, and understand their insecurities, inhibitions and learning capacity. With respect to all this analysis, English tutors will tweak their teaching style and maybe try some new tricks to ensure that students improve in a rate that’s as rapid as possible.


Due to the special bond that home tutors have with their students, there will be a solid understanding of student’s strength and weakness as well. They will know the activities that their student like and dislike, which will help them set assessments that are specific for their students. Moreover, they can specifically train the student to improve a certain skill that he or she is lacking in, such as vocabulary.


Home tutors incorporate certain fun activities such as book review, news article review, English related games, etc. By doing so students will become more interested in learning English and this interest can be the springboard for students performing well in the subject in the future.


English tuition agencies in Hong Kong are never short of quality tutors and they are passionate and dedicated indeed. There are a plethora of benefits which students can reap if they choose to opt for English tuition and no one should miss out on such an opportunity for sure!