Friday 19 July 2019

Top 5 Qualities to Become A Successful Math Tutor

Mathematics is generally known to be a subject which is fun and its as equally challenging. For some students this “challenging” element gives excitement and joy, while for others, it causes fear and anxiety. Approaching Mathematics with enthusiasm is very important and this may not be practically possible for everyone since not all students have the innate quality to perform well in math or even be able to like it as a subject for that matter.

Many are turning towards the option of math tuition (數學 補習) since the extra guidance is essential in order to survive and conquer. Being a math tutor is not easy and there are many things the tutor should keep in mind.

So, what are the top 5 qualities to become a successful math tutor?


It is a well-known fact that when you are ought to build something, the foundation has to be strong enough to withstand the burden of everything that else that goes on top of it. Often times, the reason for the intimidation with regards to the subject is the lack of a strong foundation in the basic mathematical concepts. It is essential to adopt a “mastery method” when learning mathematics. No matter how simple a topic or concept maybe, it is crucial to be clear of what it demands before moving on to the next topic.
A good tutor should make sure that the core concepts are strengthened through systematic practice. Students should be exposed to numerous types of questions that tests their knowledge of the concepts being learnt. Thereafter children gain confidence when they are able to comprehend concepts and solve problems easily.
This automatically eradicates the primary reason of the fear of mathematics.  


Some interests are innate while others are cultivated. There is nothing wrong about cultivated interests and in fact it is important to learn how to do this in order get past many things in our life which may seem unpleasant. Sparking an interest in Mathematics can be done through learning simple math concepts through fun activities.
The activities being arranged may not have to be that complex, they may be simple but it is necessary for it to effective in conveying the mathematical concept effectively to students for easy understanding. 


Mathematic problems in general demand lots of cognitive processing and this cannot be mastered overnight; it takes time and patience. Skills like analysis, evaluation and synthesis are higher order, and this requires the implementation of different teaching methods apart from simply learning facts and concepts. 
Educating children to think critically from a young age will train their minds and solving mathematical problems during examinations would become so much easier. With proper guidance from a math tutor and sincerity on the student’s part, this skill will enable a student to bring about an almost immediate response upon reading a mathematics question which includes viewing the problem sum with critical lens, then to analyse, hypothesise, test and finally figure out the answer.


Tutors have to emphasize the importance of practice and make their students understand that it is perfectly fine to fail. As Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam once famously said, dealing with success is not what matters, it is how one manages his failure that truly matters. A good tutor should supplement their student’s academic with related resources and ensure that his or her student’s effort does not go to waste. Every practice should count and enable to students to inch a step closer to success. 


It is not wise to dive into something that’s challenging all alone. A tutor's specialised guidance gives a sense of companionship and eradicates the feeling of struggling alone. Good tutors will support them at every step of the way no matter what happens. They are there to encourage their students to rise from failures with courage, and to celebrate their students’ every accomplishment this is absolutely important. 


It is indeed true that an expert was once a beginner, and hence it’s okay to under perform in something. The most important thing is to rise from a setback with confidence, maintain patience and be discipline consistently. A good home tuition (上門 補習) tutor has to remind his or her students about the importance of practising these values.